Many older and younger Habonim campers are returning to Camp Sabra after spending summers in our Ayelet, Almagor, Golan or Sharone programs. New campers are always welcome, and our returning campers and staff go out of their way to make everyone feel welcome in our camp community. Habonim campers attend the full four-week session at camp – and this means that they get to make the most of their camp summer!
Activities and Trips
Because “Hab” campers attend for four weeks, they get to experience all that Camp Sabra has to offer. From perfecting their skills on the lake to creating and performing shows in our Fox Family Theatre, Habonim campers get to explore all of our facilities and programs. All Habonim campers participate in creating “Hab Follies,” a show for the whole camp that is written, directed and performed by the Habonim campers.
Our Younger and Older Habonim campers have one out-of-camp field trip each summer, in addition to enjoying a trip to Big Surf Waterpark. Habonim campers participate in our color games, Maccabia, and get to experience an in-camp overnight where they will cook and sleep out under the stars somewhere on the Camp Sabra peninsula.
Younger Habonim campers (8th grade) experience a three-day, four-night float trip during their camp experience. Older Habonim campers (9th grade) pack their bags and take a five-day, four-night trip where they hike, explore caves and float on a scenic river.